Sat, Jul 27, 2024
We held our first virtual General Assembly on 19 September, 2020 attended by most of our delegates from Austria, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Great Britain, Netherland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland and we were very honoured to have GWI President Terry Oudraad and Vice President Eileen Focke-Bakker as observers connected with us.
It was a dynamic meeting chaired by President Anne Negre, on the Agenda we discussed to organize the next Meet & Greet in Dublin and the next UWE Conference and Annual General Meeting in Finland, more detailed information will be written in the Minutes Reportto be sent to our members.
Finally, all the reports of the Board including financial accounts 2019, the 2021 budget and membership fee were approved.
Our deep thanks to all of you who took part in this meeting and made it all possible!
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