Sat, Jul 27, 2024

To mark the International Day for Eradication of Poverty on  17 October, a meeting was held  around the slab in memory of the victims of poverty on October 10
, organized by the Council of Europe Conference of INGOs was the occasion of the inauguration of  the information board in english offered by the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the Council of Europe.  

President of University Women of Europe Anne Nègre attended, here in photo.

Some other updates about the activity of the Conference of INGO’s Council of Europe:  

A report of a  visit of the Conference of  INGO s  in Bosnia Herzegovina informs of how the country is separated inside, with all discriminations for specially the more vulnerable

A Communique by the Committee on the Rights of Persons in Migration on the situation in Nagorno Karabakh 


A communique of the  group on Human Rights and  Artificial Intelligence  – Armenia and Azerbaijan for a peaceful settlement respectful of minority rights was issued. 

The  Recommendation on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the education sector has been adopted  by the General Assembly on 11 October 2023 CONF/AG(2023)REC4. Anne Nègre  is part of the group in charge with that.

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