Sat, Jul 27, 2024

Iran investigates poisoning of hundreds of schoolgirls


“Poisoning girls to prevent them from going to school,  from learning, it  is a violation of the fundamental rights of these human beings, that these girls are for us.  


Who are these men who believe they have the right to life and death over girls, women? They are killed for a piece of cloth worn one way and not another.  These women are banned from everything, from education, from paid work, from any autonomy.  They  are just allowed to be a marital slave.  


Obscurantism is at work in a radical way and appears much deeper than a few years ago in different countries.


Long live Education, Critical Thinking and Reason, the basis of free spirits ” 

Anne Bergheim-Nègre, President of University Women of Europe



According to BBC Persian, almost 700 girls have been poisoned by toxic gas in Iran since November, in what many believe is a deliberate attempt to force their schools to shut.

Grls are being deliberately poisoned  to keep them out of schools,  according to some officials. 

The prosecutor general has opened  a criminal investigation.  However, he said that the available information only indicated “the possibility of criminal and premeditated acts”.  

The victims have been hospitalized suffering  respiratory problems, nausea, dizziness and fatigue.

At least 14 schools have been targeted across four cities, including capital Tehran and the northwestern city of Ardebil.


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