Sat, Jul 27, 2024
Webinar  on March 27, 2024 from 5 to 7 p.mCET

What do the algorithms behind the artificial intelligence that is revolutionizing our lives have to do with women? Gender neutrality seemed obvious. But this is not the case, because algorithms are coded by humans, overwhelmingly men, and they reproduce their systems of representation, prejudices and gender stereotypes. Our eminent specialists will explain how, why the bias of sex exist, their impacts on our life . And in what way the lack of women in sciences has serious consequences. Are rules to counterbalance the effects of gender bias possible, but also biases that hit the vulnerable, can they be effective?  What dangers lurk for people who are not like coders?


Openig the debates

  • Gerhard Ermischer,  Austria, President of INGOs Conference of Council of Europe
  • Gilbert Flam,  France,  LICRA, Chairman of Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights Committee of INGOs Conference
  • Anne Bergheim-Nègre, President  of University Women of Europe, UWE, Moderator
  1. Gender bias in artificial intelligence
  • Francesca A. Lisi, Italy, Associate Professor University of Bari, Association for Artificial Intelligence, AIxIA: The risks of

biased Artificial Intelligence for gender equality

  • Auriane Djian,  France, AgroParistech: Artificial Intelligence, not   without Women !
  • Joan Palmiter Bajorek, USA, President ofWomen in Voice: Hey Siri, Can you hear me? Bias in Voice Technology
  • Peggy Vicomte, France, General Delegate of the Digital Foundation: Gender bias in images
  • Lucia Martinelli  Italy, President of The European Platform of Women Scientists and EU W20 Delegate:  Digital Revolution: with Her, certainly!
  1. What Rules to escape bias of sex ?
  • David Reichel,,  Austria, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights:  Gender and AI – challenges of automation in a biased world
  • Ivana Bartolleti, Italy,Global Privacy Officer,  Wipro: Gender and Artificial Intelligence, how to be protected

Closure of Debates

  • ElisabethMoreno, France, former  Minister for Equality between Women and Men, President Digital Foundation
  • Mariia Mezentseva, Ukraine, President of  Equality and Non-Discrimination Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

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